Can I be honest with you? I'm sitting on five loads of laundry. I have 283492 thoughts racing through my mind, Cora is still in her pajamas and my bed is barely made.
Organization, focus --- words that always seem so far from me and everything I am. I long to be the woman busy in the kitchen with a game plan and a schedule but I'm not. I'm the one sitting in the living room watching people talk, curious about their movements and embracing the moment. I love it but at the end of the day, my heart is full but my head's in a dizzy.
How was Jesus pleased with this type of person? I look back on the story of sisters Mary & Martha and I'm stumped. I mean of course it's a wonderful thing to sit and listen to the message He had to bring but when I read it I kinda see a girl lacking in focus and skipping out on her duties. I relate to her. I'm yelling at her "Get up! Go help your sister! Feed Jesus and those people gathered in your home! Be a good host! Someone will take notes for you lol"
Then I see Martha, slaving away, so focused on the details of the gathering and I want to shake her, "you're missing EVERYTHING! Don't you see Jesus is in YOUR home!? Listen to what He has to say because there is such peace in that room and woman you need that!"
Mary or Martha, Martha or Mary... it's been this ongoing battle between choosing who I want or need to be. We ALL do this. Pick one. That's who you are. Here are your strengths and live with your weaknesses. But what if it's not a question of whether you are Mary OR Martha? What if it's supposed to be a statement; Mary & Martha and we, the busy and creative women we are, are meant to dwell within the "&"? What if we can be a little of both?
I'm tired of just being one. As my girls get older I often look at other mom's for inspiration or advice and my mind categorizes them as a Mary or Martha but I don't want to do that! I want to live in the "&." I don't want to be told I can't do something, even if it's me telling myself I can't do it. I admire Martha and I want to be like her in a lot of ways and I know I can! I believe that story is in the Bible to remind us that we can find a balance.
No more wasting time, thoughts, or days dreaming to be something I want to be and hoping either my sister, who is very much a Martha, comes and lives with me or I somehow stumble on the means to outsource that part to another. No. Everywoman can be both. Every woman is created to know both.
I actually found a company a year ago that believes in this message called "Mary & Martha" I had never been in sales so I didn't pay much attention to it beyond loving their product. When my husband and I built our home we made sure to write scripture on the framing of the house. It's a heartwarming feeling to know that on the foundation lies truth and that you shared that moment together. However, I want to further that desire of having truth in my home. I was reminded a few days ago how seasons are refreshing because it brings change into our lives that we often need. One thing I love about God's word though is that it doesn't change and when my household experiences a loss, victory, a new dynamic or element, I love the idea of my family being able to turn their heads and see God's truth on the wall or on the table, in the cabinet or outside the door and know despite what is happening and changing in our lives, we can hold on to Him.
So I joined the movement. I'm living in the "&" and I'm doing it step by step and hopefully empowering other women and families to do so as well. It's not fun feeling like you have to be one or the other; being isolated from a certain type of lifestyle or community. No. We're in this together and as we grow, change and find balance in our lives we can be sure of one thing;
We are created to share life together. Despite all our differences and similarities we can connect and serve one another.
You're not alone. You can do it. You've got this and He's got you.
I launch my company this September 24th with a get together and worship night, I also have a gathering on October 4th that's pumpkin themed so autumn treats for everyone! If you're in the area and want to join, let me know!
If you want to host a gathering, let me know!
If you would like to see the products here's the full 2015 Catalog:
If you want to join the team, let me know!
Awesome blog post. I just joined yesterday. Thank you for this!
ReplyDeleteAwesome blog post. I just joined yesterday. Thank you for this!